MCC XI opting to bat first at Saanvi Cricket Arena in Hyderabad, Telangana made a total of 175/3 in 18 overs. All-Rounder Dinesh Mohan opening the innings continued his blazing form with the bat as he went on to score a brilliant 103* off 60 balls batting from start to end. Dinesh smashed 14 boundaries while equally toiled hard between the wickets as players batted around him to reach a respectable total on board.
Lanco Lions in reply could only muster a total of 148 runs all out in 18.1 overs with Dinesh Mohan and Rajendra being the pick of the lot bagging 2wkts a piece. MCC XI won the match by 27 runs while Dinesh Mohan who just scored a century few days back was again rewarded ‘Man of the Match’ for his 31st hundred across all formats.