FreeBowler is a shark tank listed cricket startup which has blended innovation and creativity into the sport of Cricket. Freebowler has certainly changed narrative, making it possible for every aspiring cricketer to have access to an inexpensive, portable, non-electric ball thrower that can throw real cricket balls and mimic a real bowler.

It took nearly 2 years of R&D to create a product which is now making waves in Global Cricket. Freebowler is a rapid non electric ball thrower which not only is cost efficient but also saves electricity and your light bills! It’s a one-time investment to life time of training without being dependant on your neigbourhood friend, your dad, your colleague or your coach to get nets training anytime anywhere! No wonder, their innovation also got them featured in Shark Tank India where they even got funding from NAMITA THAPAR! A brainchild of Cricket Passionate brothers, Pratheek and Vishwanath, Freebowler is definately one product which has impacted and helped many cricketers and coaches worldwide.
Their passion for cricket can be stemmed by the fact that both the founders have played competitive cricket themselves! Vishwanath a qualified coach and umpire has played Karnataka U16 and University level while same goes with Pratheek who has played professional cricket at various levels alongside Vishwanathan. What’s more their cricketing ties does’nt end there, Pratheek also happens to be the cousin of Current Indian Cricketer KL Rahul and Ravichandran Ashwin is the face of the Freebowler brand!

What’s more, the equipment is lightweight, super easy to carry and move making it all the more efficient for academies as well as individual players. Each Ball Thrower of Freebowler comes with lifetime free service, 1 year of manufacturing warranty and only requires easy servicing and maintainence.

From Pratheek, the founder shared with Zoomcricket: “
“I started playing cricket at the age of 2, i have played at almost all levels from gully to club to corporate and state, it was always a struggle for me to consistently practice because of all the traveling I had to do to get to a practice facility and the growing traffic in India did not help it either. By the time I reached the ground, I was mentally drained as the commute was both time and energy-consuming.
As a result, there was low productivity and efficiency in practices, which often came off as mediocre performance on match days. I had monetary constraints as well as I did not have the luxury to pay and join an academy to train with professional players and coaches. So it was always challenging for me to get to the next stage. To cut story short, it was after detecting all these problems at grassroot level which cricketers face came the invention of this product!
At freebowler, we believe in innovating cricket and developing accessible training aids which helps all cricketers train like the pros. The aim is to ensure, every cricketer and academy, no matter how remotely placed they are, they get access to quality training tools which will eventually help churn out better cricketers, we want everyone right from grassroot level to higher levels to experience the magic of our non-electric ball thrower and get hands on training through it”