Brachyura Blasters opting to bat first at MBR Cricket Ground in Hyderabad, Telangana made a total of 157/8 in 20 overs. After losing the top 3 wickets early, it was Dinesh Mohan at no.4 guiding the team with a crucial half century. Dinesh anchored the innings batting till the end scoring 68* off 46 balls striking at almost 150.00. What’s more impressive is Dinesh scored more than half of the runs toiling hard between the wickets.
Game Changers in reply were all out for 77 runs in 17.4 overs with Roy, Dinesh, Likhith and Bhanu bagging 2 wickets each. Brachyura Blasters won the match by 80 runs while Dinesh Mohan for his 68* and 2 wkts was declared ‘man of the match”