Cricket Explained Academy opting to bat first at DNC Dombivali Ground in Mumbai posted a healthy total of 263/8 in 40 overs. Two of the shining stars of Cricket Explained Academy Aayush Ambekar and Vaibhavi Raja opening the innings showed their class with a brilliant opening stand of 146 runs. Aayush scored 57 off 72 balls while Vaibhavi Raja scored a quickfire 72 off 68 deliveries smashing 10 boundaries.
Friends CC in reply were all out for just 80 runs courtesy some tight bowling performance by Cricket Explained Academy bowlers. From the bowlers, Hiren Lakhmani and Tilak Prajapati were the pick of the lot taking 3 & 2 wkts respectively.
Result: Cricket Explained Academy won by 183 runs, Vaibhavi Raja declared “Man of the Match”